Liebster Blog Award


The blog got the first award and I was nominated by the lovely Flóra aka. .If you don’t already, please go check out her blog she has brilliant outfits!!

A Liebster Award is given by bloggers to bloggers they admire or enjoy the posts of. It has only one goal: exploring new blogs and bloggers. Accepting the award I had to keep the rules:


  • Answer to the nominator’s questions
  • Post 11 random facts about you
  • Create a new list of question for your nominees
  • Give a list of your nomenees

Néhány napja kaptam egy díjat Flórától, a blog szerzőjétől, ami számomra nagyon nagy megtiszteltetés, nagyon örültem és itt is szeretném megköszönni neki!

A Liebster díj egy olyan díj, amit a bloggerek adnak egymásnak. Ezáltal kicsit jobban megismerhetjük egymást, hiszen személyesebb bejegyzések születnek.



  1. Nevezd meg, hogy kitől kaptad a díjat!
  2. Ismertesd a szabályokat!
  3. Válaszolj a kérdésekre, melyeket a téged jelölő feltett!
  4. Jelöld ki saját kedvenc bloggereidet (5-11 blogot) és küldd tovább nekik a díjat a kérdéseiddel együtt!
  5. Értesítsd őket arról, hogy díjat kaptak tőled!

Eleven questions from Flora and my answers

  1. Would you call yourself an artist? Why or why not?
    I wouldn’t call myself an artist, because I’m not too creative.
  2. Do you like to travel? What is the best place you’ve ever been to and which countries have you visited already?
    I really like travelling. My favourite place is Berlin. I’ve been to Germany, England, Italy, Poland, Austria, Belgium, Slovakia, Slovenia.
  3. How do you shop? Do you plan what are you going to buy before you go to the mall?
    I always research products before I go to the mall, because I can save a lot of time and I don’t buy unnecessary clothes. If you go to the websites, you can also compare prices at different stores, so you can save money to

4. Do you take health into consideration when cooking/eating?
I think healthy eating is become more and more popular, and it’s a very great thing. I’ve ate healthily for 2 years, but it was quite hard for me and I had some health problems because of it, so I had to give it up.

5. If you got an invitation to any red carpet event like Oscars or Grammy, what would you wear?
Well, Jennifer Lopez wore an Elie Saab couture dress in 2015 and I think that dress was absolutley amazing! So I would wear something like that.

  1. Who’s your favourite celebrity and why?
    My favourite celebrity is Adele, because she has a beautiful voice, different from all the singers. Her music moves me and I think she is such a nice person.
  1. If you could live in any movie or book, which one would you choose?
    I read a lot of books, and every time I read one I feel like I’m living another life. My favourite book is Anna and the French kiss. But I wouldn’t live in this book… so unfortunately I can’t choose.8. Who is your favourite blogger?
    I’m constantly changing my mind on which blog is my favourite, but right now I really like

9. What kind of sites do you visit daily on the internet?
I spend a lot of time on the internet, and I visit almost the same sites everyday. For example Zara, WordPress and eBay. 😀

10. What are your thoughts on social media?
I think social media is very useful, because you can keep in touch with your friends and with the world. Sometimes social media is too much, but you can’t do anything to stop it. If you don’t use any of the famous sites, you willl „disappear”.

  1. What is (going to be) your job? When did you decide about it?
    I don’t know yet, but I have a lot of ideas. I change my mind every single day, but I have timeto decide it.

Eleven Facts about me

I live in Hungary.

I can’t sleep with pillow.

I was born on 29th Feb.

My favourite place is Munich.

I have 2 brothers.

I go crazy if I don’t have time for my workout.

I hate cotton candy.

I have a dog, she’s a Maltipoo.

I used to dance a lot when I was younger.

I also used to be a majorette.

I love to travel. My goal is to visit one new country every year.


Eleven questions for my nominees

  1. What does the name of the blog means to you? /  Honnan jön a blog címe?
  2. How would you describe your style? / Hogyan jellemeznéd a stílusodat?
  3. What’s your best childhood memory? / Mi a legkedvesebb gyerekkori emléked?
  4. Do you have any pets? Tell us about them! / Van valamilyen házi állatod? Mesélj róla!
  5. What does your dream house look like? /Hogy néz ki az álom házad?
  6. In your opinion, what is the best blog post you’ve written so far? Give us the link. / Szerinted melyik a legjobb bejegyzés, amit eddig írtál?.Linkeld!
  7. What inspires you? / Mi inspirál?
  8. How do you image a day when everything is possible? What’s your dream-day? / Milyen lenne egy napod ha szabadjára engednéd a képzeletedet? Mit álmodnál magadnak?
  9. What is your favorite smell in the world? / Melyik a kedvenc illatod?
  10. What is your favourite dessert? / Mi a kedvenc desszerted?
  11. If you had to change one thing in this world, what would it be and why? /Mit változtatnál a világon? Miért?


And the Liebster Blog Award goes to…








I hope you enjoyed my answers and learned a little bit more about me.


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